1. Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub
2. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
3. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
4. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
5. Stay home if you feel unwell.
6. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.
7. Follow the directions of your local health authority.
#2 Benjamin Lane, Freetown
YPG-SL forms the springboard of young graduating Pharmacists in Sierra Leone. Its membership comprises of young Pharmacists anticipating for the uplift of the Pharmacy profession through advocacy, commitment and service delivery within the healthcare sector to enhance optimal patient satisfaction and service delivery.
1. To provide a forum for young pharmacists in all areas of practice and in all corners of Sierra Leone to share their ideas and concerns of the growth of the profession and to seek for mentorships and career development
2. To promote the active improvement of Pharmaceutical education and advance the profession of Pharmacy
3. To involve its members in the moral and ethical obligations of the profession of Pharmacy
4. To bring astute young minds who will produce innovative and resourceful materials of relevance to the Pharmacy profession and to assist in the improvement and understanding of world health problems
5. To provide an independent forum for communication and dialogue among members and to contribute to the welfare of all members
6. To be committed to the improvement of health care and service delivery to everyone and raising societal awareness about the role and importance of Pharmacists in patient care through health promotion activities
The Young Pharmacists Group-Sierra Leone will serve to motivate, inspire, strengthen and create opportunities for its members and young Pharmacists in Sierra Leone to enhance optimal patient care and service delivery.
Serving as the mouthpiece for young graduating Pharmacists in Sierra Leone, the Young Pharmacists Group-Sierra Leone will lead its members and young Pharmacy graduates to develop their career pathways by creating opportunities for leadership and professional development, raising societal awareness about the role and importance of Pharmacists in patient care, and create more opportunities for multidisciplinary connections with other young healthcare professionals. Its members will serve as examples and models to pharmacy students and recent graduates transitioning to professionals-SL will promote the goals of PSSL by encouraging young members of PSSL to participate in PSSL activities and projects and abiding to the code of ethics of the profession. It will also enhance to promote creativity and innovation amongst young Pharmacists in Sierra Leone.